Self-driving cars
By Alejandro Pedraza

self driving cars in the presents

self driving cars haven't been a newconcept. They're seen as "futuristic"
or"sci-fi" technologies in which won't comein the next years, but it may be
sooner then we think.


What are self driving cars?

Self driving cars are motorized vehicles which could drive themselves from
location to location without any problem. A prototype of this technology is
tesla's model X. it uses lines on the road to navigate through the streets
and uses gps to know which street you're on. The only major flaw to this
prototype is that it's not up-to-date and doesn't know where every single
car is. If everyone used a tesla model X it'd be a whole lot easier to make
self driving cars a reality, but for now we have to figure out how to make
them fit in the world today.

The Model X

how they'll become a reality

although it's hard to say right now, I believe that they'll become a reality
in the next year or so. We have the technology in order to make them work:
laser detector, censors, and gps, but we haven't figured out a way in which
we could use them to make self driving cars a reality. We also have to estimate
how much it'll cost. After the first model becomes cheaper, there will be a surge
of self driving cars in the streets causing accident rates to plummet
